Cycling Bargains - Cyclestore Look Replacement Active Grip Trail Pad (30997793577)

Cyclestore Look Replacement Active Grip Trail Pad

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Was £39.90, NOW £33.92 (15% OFF)

Available from Cyclestore.

Cyclestore Look Replacement Active Grip Trail Pad

Product Description

The ACTIV GRIP Trail pads are compatible with our TRAIL Grip platform pedals. Built from extremely strong and durable material and designed in collaboration with outdoor specialist VIBRAM they offer exceptional traction on the toughest rides. Their concave geometry is enhanced with large rubber lugs and composite studs for optimal foot stability and extreme durability to take on the challenges of any terrain. Choose from four different colors to highlight your ride right down to the very tips of your pedals. TECHNOLOGY: LOOK ACTIV GRIP BY VIBRAMUSE: OFF ROAD OUTDOORCOMPATIBILITY: TRAIL GRIP / GEO CITY GRIP VISION / GEO CITY GRIPMATERIAL: VULCANIZED RUBBER + COMPOSITE STUDSWEIGHT 4 PADS: 420 g

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